Digital trading has gone viral over the last couple of years. With the recent pandemic forcing people indoors, browsing the internet became the USA's number one pastime. It is hard to spend any significant time online nowadays without stumbling across Bitcoin.
Our team has been heavily involved in cryptocurrency- Bitcoin especially- for many years. As individuals, we each had unique viewpoints of the industry. When COVID-19 hit, we saw an opportunity to create and perfect a digital trading platform specifically for the currency.
There have been many digital platforms advertising easy trading and instant riches in recent months. It bothered us to see misrepresentation in the industry, and we felt like we had to build an app that spoke louder than the rest- and that was genuinely beneficial for its users.
From there, we assembled our dream team of traders, Bitcoin experts, and app-building geniuses to create our image of the ideal trading platform. After tweaking, testing, testing, and tweaking, we finally launched Bitcoin Focus.
We were not the first team to decide to build a trading platform, but we do believe that we are the best. What sets the Bitcoin Focus team apart is our attention to detail and the level of service our users can expect.
When we designed the app, we thought about so much more than just trading. Every element of the app is coded to perfection to ensure the ultimate user experience from end to end.
Of course, trading is what it's all about, and we are pretty proud of the system we created. As traders ourselves, with years of experience on the financial front lines, we knew exactly what we wanted to achieve. Luckily, we also have some of the brightest minds in software and app development on the Bitcoin Focus team so the dream could become a reality.
The ultimate goal is to become the go-to digital trading app for Bitcoin investors around the globe. At Bitcoin Focus, we believe that Bitcoin can change the face of finance, and we want to be right there with it.
Trading was our first love: Bitcoin was our second, so we had to be a part of the revolution. Our goal is also to introduce the industry and market that we love so much to anybody else out there with a passion (or even just a curiosity) for crypto trading.